Tag: Fashion

Endless recycling: is it possible?

During the last Re-think in Milan, Kirsi Terho, Key Account Director of Infinited Fiber, spoke. Infinited fiber is an innovative startup from the perspective of developing new infinitely recyclable materials so that the textile industry is more sustainable.

Sustainable Fashion: Yamamay

Is a sustainable fashion industry possible? We talked about it in the talk presented by Barbara Cimmino during the Re-think Naples event.

The evolution of circular fashion

Giusy Cannone explores the evolution of circular fashion, highlighting the challenges and solutions in making the textile industry more sustainable. From the production of recycled fabrics to the rental of second-hand garments, innovations and trends for an eco-friendly fashion future are analyzed.

Orange Fiber

Enrica Arena presents Orange Fiber, a company that produces a sustainable fabric similar to silk from citrus fruits.