Since the early stage of 2020, humanity has started to be threatened by Covid-19. This article wants to explore how Covid-19 is changing sustainable consumer behavior.
Luca Fraccascia
Luca Fraccascia is a Senior Assistant Professor at Sapienza University of Rome and guest Researcher at University of Twente (The Netherlands). He completed his M.Sc. in Management Engineering with honors from the Polytechnic University of Bari in 2013 and received his Ph.D in Mechanical and Engineering Management at Politecnico di Bari in 2017. His research concerns the transition to the circular economy, with a particular focus on industrial symbiosis practices, sustainable business models, and sustainable consumer behavior. He is the Co-founder of the Sustainability and Circular Economy Group at Sapienza University of Rome and consults for companies interested in adopting the principles of circular economy and industrial symbiosis in their business.
In 2019, he received the Italian scientific qualification as Associate Professor from the Ministry of Education, University, and Research. He is a member of Associazione italiana di Ingegneria Gestionale (AiIG).
Luca Fraccascia has published in leading international journals such as International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, and Ecological Economics. He is an editor of Resources Conservation and Recycling Advances, a member of the editorial board of Journal of Business Research, and acts as guest editor for several international journals. He is included in the list of 100.000 top Scientists developed by Baas, J, Boyack, K, Ioannidis, J (2021) and was awarded Giorgio Pagliarani Best Paper Award in 2019.